Holistic Functional and Integrative Medicine infused with Ancient Wisdoms of Traditional Midwifery

Judith offers a full range of woman's health services, including well-woman / annual screening, diagnosis and treatment of specific problems and holistic and Functional treatment.
Women's Health
Pelvic Health
Pap and Cervical Health
Cervical Dysplasia and HPV
Naturopathic Escharotic treatment
Stress Incontinence
Soft tissue irritations or infections
Breast Health: exam, education and referrals
Cardio, Skeletal and Metabolic screening
Mental health screening
Diagnostic tests and referrals to specialists as needed
Hormone assessment
Irregular Menses
Spotting: Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
PCOS and Metabolic Syndrome
Hirsutism, Weight, acne, hairloss
Perimenopause and Menopause'
Infertility screening
Bodeket and Rabbinical Consultant
Integrative treatment utilizing holistic, natural and allopathic
Infections, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Genital Irritations, Yeast, BV Vaginitis, Cervicitis
STD screening and treatment
Urinary Tract infections
Respiratory infections
Natural Famaily Planning Methods
Oral Contraceptives
Intrauterine Device (IUD) Mirena and Parguard
Contraceptive Diaphragm
Fertility Screening, counsel and treatment

As a private practice CNM in Brooklyn in 1995, I began to research the many hormonal imbalances that plagued many of my clients, especially PCOS which causes infertility. Because most doctors were not holistic minded and tended to shy away from the mysterious female hormone system, these problems were usually neglected unless immediately life-threatening.
With a midwife's belief in the inherent wisdom of body systems, I began to explore root cause solutions long before holistic approaches to hormone imbalances became popular. Research on female obesity and PCOS was just beginning to emerge from organizations such as the American Academy of Clinical Endocrinologists, but unforrtunately it takes years for research to enter mainstream practice. Decades later it is still remarkably difficult to find a healthcare provider that deals comprehensively with hormonal and metabolic disorders. The media is also flooded with confusing claims, costly products and unproven remedies, so women's problems are often negelcted or inappropriately treated.
Seeking root causes and innovative solutions for problems such as PCOS, hypothyroidism, infertility, hirsutism, obesity and other hormonal imbalances has always been my professional and personal mission, due to the havoc and suffering that these problems caused, and because most of these problems eventually spiral out of control and result in life-endangering illness such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer, infertility.
My conservative and economical approach has always been based on cutting edge solid medical research which I am continuously seeking, and on proven therapies- many holistic and natural.
You deserve pragmatic, economical, and effective solutions.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Let's Talk
Contact Judy for a consultation to discuss your health questions, concerns, and options.